
Post Exploitation Using WMIC (System Command)

Penetration Testing on January 31, 2018 by brian qlydeh SHARE This article is about Post Exploitation using the WMIC (Windows Management Instrumentation Command Line). When an Attacker gain a meterpreter session on a Remote PC, then he/she can enumerate a huge amount of information and make effective changes using the WMI Command Line. To do this, we will first get the meterpreter session on the Remote PC which you can learn from here . After gaining the session, escalate its privilege to Administrator which you can learn from here . WMIC command line can be accessed through the windows cmd. To access that type “ shell ” in the meterpreter shell. Now let’s look at the wmic commands and their working WMIC This command shows the global options which are used in the wmic command. WMIC Global Options are used to set properties of the WMIC environment. With the combination of global options and the aliases than we can manage the system throug